payment payment n. 支払い, 報酬; 支払い金額; 報い. 【動詞+】 You can arrange payment in installments. 支払いを分割払いにすることができる complete payment for sth ものの支払いを済ませる I can no longer cover the monthly payments for
however , in 1706 the grade of chogin was further lowered , and the tsushima domain tried to negotiate with the korean side by paying additional payment according to the grade of the silver content; however , along with the low grade of the coin , the amount of ginseng harvested fell because of the bad weather , and so the negotiation fell apart and the tsushima domain received a termination notice of the trade from the korean side again . しかし、宝永3年(1706年)に丁銀の品位はさらに下げられ、宝永丁銀による取引も純銀量に応じて割増すことで取引を試みたが、低品位であったことに加え、天候不順などによる人参の収穫高の低下などの背景から交渉は決裂し、対馬藩は再び取引中止を朝鮮側から通告された。
in the case of a one-way ticket exceeding 201 km , passengers aren ' t required to make an additional payment because yamashina station is ' within the railway fare system of specific metropolitan and urban area ' ; however , a ticket of short distance , particularly from osaka and kobe to yamashina station , is excluded from the specified sections of trains or fares; consequently the fare to yamashina station is much higher than that to kyoto station . ちなみに片道201Kmを越える切符の場合「特定都区市内着」として当駅がそのまま利用でき追加料金を要しないが、近距離、特に大阪・神戸方面から来る場合は電車特定区間や運賃特定区間運賃の対象から外れるため、京都駅で下車する場合に比して運賃がかなり高くなる。